How Fiore dei Liberi's Protege Helped Put the Bentivoglio Family in Power: Chapter 5
The Epic of Giovanni Bentivoglio and Lancillotto Beccaria
13 Then the sixth angel sounded: And I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, 14 saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” 15 So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind. 16 Now the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them. 17 And thus I saw the horses in the vision: those who sat on them had breastplates of fiery red, hyacinth blue, and sulfur yellow; and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions; and out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone. 18 By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed—by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which came out of their mouths. 19 For [a]their power is in their mouth and in their tails; for their tails are like serpents, having heads; and with them they do harm.
—Revelation 9: 13-19
Bernardone della Serra tried to convince Giovanni one last time that the best option to achieve the desired outcome in this campaign—survival—was for the Bolognese army to remain in the city of Bologna. Giovanni wasn’t having it, his reply was terse, he told Bernardone that if he was too scared then he could stay in the city, and he would take command of the operations himself. To this Bernardone replied, “God grant, that this is the best outcome” and returned to his men billeted along the Reno River.[1] Giovanni knew that no matter how well defended the walls of Bologna were, if the people were forced to starve or if they were cut off from clean water, there would be no city left to defend, it would become a pile of rubble, ash, and corpses. He couldn’t see his beloved Bologna brought so low. He knew he was taking a major risk, but he had no other choice, the Visconti forces had found Bologna’s Achilles heel, and nothing was going to stop Jacopo del Verme from drawing Paris’ enchanted bow.
The armies of Bologna, Florence, and Padua were badly outnumbered. This was an age where cavalry reigned supreme on the battlefield, especially heavy cavalry, and the descriptions of Jacopo del Verme and Alberigo da Barbiano both mounted on their iron clad steeds with the golden batons of command in their hands as they approached Casalecchio, at the head of 16,000 heavy horse illustrates the formidability of the Visconti forces that were bearing down on Bologna.[2] Accompanying the crown of Milanese chivalry were over 20,000 infantry and archers.[3] Bernardone della Serra meanwhile, had at his command 7,000 heavy cavalry, and only few thousand infantry and crossbowmen to resist what later Italian commentators would hail as, “the finest army since Charlemagne.” (Durrieu, pg. 209) Their foe was the same contingent who only a few months prior with a quarter of their extant number sent the flower of German chivalry running with its tail tucked between its legs back across the Alps.
The only hope for Giovanni and his captains—for Bologna—was quite symbolically the very waterway they so desperately needed to defend, the life blood of the city, the Reno River. It’s vestigial waters flowed from the Apennines to the Po river and out into the Addriatic sea, the glacial cut of its current created high defensible embankments, and spun torrid currents that made it difficult to ford—it was a natural fortress unto itself. Ghiradacci describes the terrain of the area around Casalecchio sul Reno like this, “Between one army and the other was the Reno River, which on the right and left had precipitous cliffs, and a bridge built of stone stretching between them. On the western side, where the {Visconti} were, had hills on their right, and below, the via Astra which leads to Sasso di Glossina, to their left was another road with some hills, which bends toward the north, where there is large and spacious countryside, which ends at the river Reno towards the south, and it was here the {troops} of the Visonti Duke encamped. Then after the bridge there was a road that leads to Bologna, near which to the right are high hills, and below them is a very large district adorned with many buildings, with a strong fortress called Casalecchio—where there was already a castle of the same name. Outside of the said contrata the mouths of the via open on all sides, and the further one descends toward Bologna the more the side expands; then to the left of the street, the fields are terminated by the canal, which arises from the Reno above Casalecchio, and which flows into the city for the benefit of milling and many other industries, there was between this canal and the river Reno an island with shaped waters, which had very high banks on all sides, and ended with the Calonica mill at its point. On this side of the bridge were Bernardone’s officers.” (Ghirardacchi, pg. 531-532)
To ensure that the Visconti forces couldn’t breach his army’s most important asset, Bernardone della Serra put the Rose Company, under Tomassino Crevelli, in charge of the defense of the Reno Bridge.[4] For the three hundred lances of the Rose Company this was to be their Thermopylae, under no circumstance were they permitted to retreat. It was a harrowing directive, but della Serra was confident that the young company, and their experienced captain, who had proved their valor at San Giovanni in Persiceto, were up to the task. While Bernardone placed his pawns and arranged his knights and bishops in their requisite files on the board in preparation for the battle to come, Giovanni tried one last time to raise the banners of the districts of Bologna, but again, no one headed the call. The die was cast.
On the 17th of June, the Rose Company spotted riders approaching the Reno bridge, at first, they weren’t sure if it was just a patrol, but soon after a great rolling thunder started to rattle the loose stones about the bridge, and suddenly at the head of a swarm of armored horse, came Alberigo da Barbiano and Ottobono Terzi cresting the nearby hill.[5] Tomassino Cravelli would have been heard shouting in his camp, “To arms! To arms!” as his off-duty men scrambled to have their squires add what plate they could, before rushing to their lines, helmets in hand. No doubt Alberigo was smiling as he saw the standards of the Rose company on the bridge below, and the disorganized chaos of the ranks forming in echelon. The Visconti chargers thundered down the lull into the valley ahead to crash into the defenders about the bridge to send them reeling, but the Rose Company held its ground and drove their adversaries back. The chaos and tumult of the initial charge had felled a good number of the Rose companies forward lines, but they were resolute in their directive. Despite their courage, wave after successive wave of lance, mace and poleaxe, dwindled their numbers until blood wept from the ancient stones into the river below.[6][7] Fearing envelopment, and internment under Alberigo da Barbiano, who blamed the Rose Company for his brother’s death, was too much for Cravelli. So, as the last wave of Visconti knights pulled off to allow a new line to charge the bridge, he organized a general retreat, had his men mount up, and they rode for Bologna as quickly as they could.[8]
The Reno had fallen.
The arrival of the Rose company at Porta Saragozza alerted Giovanni to the peril that he and his army were now in. He quickly mounted up with his retinue of personal guards and rode out to the camp in Casalecchio. Here we can only imagine the look that Bernardino della Serra and Giovanni Bentivoglio shared when he arrived on the banks of the Reno, the pity in the Gascon’s eyes for the inevitable fate the Signore now faced.[9] Time moved slow as they worked out what to do next, Alberigo and Ottobono had secured a firm bridgehead that now controlled the ponto. They could try to uproot them—but at what cost, and with what resources. The alternative was to stay where they were, with a field prepared for their enemies, and firing lines cut through the brush for their crossbowmen. Neither option assured them of victory, but it wasn’t about that anymore, it was about choosing the least bad option.
Agonizing days went by as they watched and deliberated. Then on the night of Saturday, June 24th, the camp was awoken by alarms from the centuries. 600 Visconti knights under Facino Cane rode out across the Reno bridge and raided past the allied camp in a daring attempt to cut the canal. Muzio Attendolo Sforza’s company was the first to respond.[10] They clashed with Terzi’s chargers, and warded them away from the canal before any serious damage could be done, but this skirmish was only a feint to draw the attention of the Bolognese forces away from Reno bridge.[11] On the morning of the 25th, the allied camp awoke to the nightmare of the entire Visconti army bivouacked on the right bank of the Reno. That Sunday passed with little action save priests meandering through the opposing army camps offering last rights and communion.[12] Knights, squires, and cutthroats alike kneeled before the cross, ate the body Christ, drank his blood, and prayed to St. George and the Arch Angel Michael for deliverance.
Giovanni Bentivoglio met with his captains; Bernardone della Serra, Lancillotto Beccaria, Martino Polsort, Fuzzolino Tadesco, Muzzio Attendolo Sforza, Francesco III da Carrara and his brothers Bernardo and Giacomo, Angelo “Tartaglia” di Lavello, Tomassino Crivelli and others. For more than a year, many who stood before him had risked life and limb to ensure his seat, to resist the Visconti tyranny, and accomplished other-worldly feats of arms and Chivalric glory in doing so. They were all brave men—great captains in their own right, and yet he was about to ask them to achieve the impossible, he could read on their faces that they knew what lay ahead, but now it was his moment to reassure them that victory, liberty—peace could be won. Giovanni could count on Lancillotto Beccaria, his friend, whose mutual admiration, and undaunted courage were unparalleled among the knights who stood before him. Fuzzalino Tadesco too, he was slowly making a name for himself as one of the greatest Bolognese-born knights to ever live, and his loyalty was unmatched. Muzio Attendolo de Contignola, who they called “Sforza” for his unnatural strength, here was a man that had an air of greatness yet-achieved. Then to the house of Carrara, there was unparalleled respect and admiration, Francesco was in a similar position as the one before them five years prior in 1397 and drove dal Verme and the Visconti from the banks of the Po River in Ferrara, here was a man who knew what it took to achieve uncertain victory.
Bernardone and Giovanni conferred with their captains and decided on the following order of battle. Muzio Attendolo Sforza and Fuzzolino Todesco would have the honor of the first line with a command of 2000 heavy cavalry, next was Tomassino Crivelli with the Rose Company and enough men to bring his complement to 1000 cavali, followed by Lancillotto Beccaria and Tartaglia in the third rank with 1500 knights, and last the brave sons of Cararra, with Giovanni and Della Serra, would have 2,500 heavy cavalry beneath their banners, along with the available companies of infantry and crossbowmen.[13] [14] The crossbowmen were placed in trenches and secluded places so they could safely fire without getting attacked by cavalry, and they were covered by the infantry armed with pikes, partisans, and various forms of weaponized farm equipment.
Across the field around the command table of Jacopo del Verme stood Alberigo da Barbiano, Carlo and Pandolfo Malatesta, Federico Gonzaga, Galeazzo da Mantova, Facino Cane, and Ottobono Terzi. There was a quiet confidence among the dukes men. For them, this was business as usual. However, Jacopo couldn't help but feel a slight trepidation about the position they were in, he took a great risk in following this lead, and for all he knew Bente of the Bentivoglio could be walking him into an elaborate trap set by his cousin Giovanni—traitors couldn’t be trusted. The position was unsustainable, his supply lines were stretched and vulnerable, and with how expeditious Giovanni’s captains had been contending with Alberigo’s thrusts through the contado, they were a hairs breadth from being severed, and his army forced to retreat in shame. But that wouldn’t happen here, not this time, fate affected those who chose to wait, he’d taken the initiative away from the ethereal hands of fate and put his faith in Fortuna.
Del Verme told his captains to have their men ready at dawn, citing many of the above reasons, and bluntly reminding them of their superiority, they outnumbered their enemies two to one, with almost three times the number of heavy cavalry—it was time to end this. He laid out their dispositions like this; they would form six corps, the vanguard would be led by Facino Cane, with Galeazzo da Mantova and 2,000 cavalry, the second line would be under the banner of Francesco Gonzaga with another 2,500 cavalry and a number of infantry, the third under Pandolfo and Carlo Malatesta was structured the same, while the fourth would seek the command of Ottobono Terzi. The fifth group would be led by Alberico da Barbiano with 3,000 heavy cavalry, the Bolognese exiles, the bulk of the remaining infantry and 2000 crossbowman, while the sixth would be under the command of del Verme with 4,000 cavalry and another 2000 infantry.[15] [16]
At dawn on June 26th the braying of trumpets signaled the Milanese captains to take charge of their positions. Fervent centuries on the other side of the field scrambled to alert their captains that the Visconti forces had readied themselves for battle—the field was alight with horns and the shouted call to arms.[17] Both sides formed up, and for a heartbeat watched each other across the field in nervous anticipation. For many this was or would be the largest battle they would ever see in their lifetime. While time stood still on the precipice of damnation, Death walked between the varied rows of soldiers and horsemen, tapping the shoulders of knights and peasant alike, to mark them for the fated grave. As shifting armor, slinking chainmail, hooves pawing the ground, cut the torrid silence, the supple lips of the sixth angel graced the embouchure of the four horns and unleashed the apocalypse.
Facino Cane raised his mighty lance to signal that it was time to unleash hell. His unit started at a trot, and as they found their lines, picked up their gate to a canter. Across the field Muzio Attendolo Sforza and Fuzzalino Todesco saluted their men in a similar manner and urged their mounts forward. Two titanic waves of steel and horse flesh pounded the earth as they descended across the plains of Casalecchio. Knights and squires alike gripped their reigns tight, and eyed their targets as they came into focus. In a synchronized display the lances across the field gradually lowered as the distance between the two sides narrowed and the knights tipped their visors. Facino Cane could see that he was aligned with the standard of Fuzzolino Todesco and Muzzio Attendolo Sforza, glory was at hand. He urged his warhorse to power more into its gate, like a boxer coiling for a knockout punch. His lance found it’s arett, and he aligned his point in center of Todesco’s chest—inhale—CRACK. Facino Cane struck Tadesco “so hard in the chest that he flew out of his saddle, and at the same time knock(ed) down three riders behind him.”[18] (Durrieu, pg. 210) Fuzzolino’s squire rushed to help his captain back into a saddle, but when he reached the great Bolognese knight, and lifted his visor, he found that he was already dead.
Sforza and the remaining men of the first line either returned to their squires to fetch lances so they could charge back into the fray, or resorted to their poleaxes, warhammers, and maces to pierce the plate of their Milanese foes. His men had taken the worst of the initial charge, but as the engagement continued their valor and virtue showed its merit and they proved the better of Cane’s company.[19]
Recognizing the change in fortune, Francesco Gonzaga readied his men to enter the fray.[20] Looking down his lines, he raised his lance, and at the sound of a trumpet they started into their gate. The rhythmic cadence of their horses’ hooves lengthened as their powerful chargers found their stride. Further trumpets called to Cane's company to disengage or make way. Sforza men did what they could to tie them up, to take the teeth out of charge by shielding themselves with friendly targets, but his men took the brunt of the lances, and once the initial shock of Gozaga’s assault lost its momentum, Cane’s troopers rounded back into the fracas, to play polo with the basinets and barbutes of the riders who had lost their seats.
Sforza’s corps was on the cusp of being routed when Tomassino Crivelli and the Rose Company arrived.[21] The now disgraced captain wanted to make up for the retreat at the bridge and told his men to stay their lances. Wielding sword and axe, they charged into the melee, and cut their way to the beleaguered Bolognese vanguard. Tomassino caught a lance in the shoulder, which pierced his mail and arming jacket, but he kept pressing forward, swinging violently with his axe, desperately trying to clear a path for Sforza and his remaining men.[22] Just as they succeeded in the task, the company of Ottobono Terzi came thundering in on their flank.
Seeing this Bernardone unleashed Lancillotto Beccaria and Angelo “Tartaglia” da Lavello. They started directly toward Terzi’s company, trying to head them off before they could close Crevelli and Sforza in. However, rather than dealing with the threat of Terzi with near equal numbers, Tartaglia decided to veer his charge of 500 riders away from the oncoming Milanenese heavy horse, and into the meat grinder at the middle of the field.[23] Beccaria was left on his own with only 1,000 cavali. Recognizing this, and realizing he had little chance of succeeding against the 2,500 knights wheeling to meet his advance in a fair fight, he had his men lower their lances ahead of their collision with Ottobono’s company, so they could target their mounts, and delay the encirclement.[24] They crashed in hard, piercing the field with the terrible sound of shattering lances, punched plate, and dying horses. Lancillotto wasn’t so lucky. He tried to target the magnificent stallion of Ottobono Terzi, but the veteran Condottiere drove his knee into his charger’s flank, dodging left across the face of Beccaria’s mount, and drove his lance into Lancillotto’s chest, sending him flying to the ground.[25]
Crevelli wheeled the Rose company back to regroup and re-enter, and saw that Beccaria’s banner was under duress, so he redirected his men to deal with Terzi’s company. At the head of the squires coming to refit his troops with lances was Bernardone della Serra who shouted encouragement to his men and congratulated them on reclaiming their valor.[26] They thundered off in a furry, their hearts full of pride and courage—retribution for their shame of their retreat was at hand. Cravelli at the head of his company, zeroed in on Ottobono Terzi before he closed his visor. The two great captains emboldened by the flexing haunches of their powerful steeds, seated their lances, and collided like mighty titans. Both brave condottieri were thrown from their saddles and quickly rounded back to their squires to retrieve new horses before reentering the fray.[27]
Bernardone della Serra and Giovanni Bentivoglio a half a field afar watched with trepidation as the Malatesta fourth corps and Alberico da Barbiano’s fifth corps spurred their mounts to action. The standards of Beccaria, Todesco, and other great captains at his command had already fallen on the field, captured or killed, and as the great cavalcade of da Barbiano’s company readied their charges beside the great host of Bolognese exiles, and Nanne Gozzadini’s famed Bolognese Mountain infantry, with their long deadly lances, he knew the battle had run its course. They shared a knowing look with the Cararra brothers at their side, and della Serra raised his mighty lance which was said to be as thick as a man’s thigh.[28] There was nothing left for them but glory and knightly virtu.
Sforza’s contingent was the first to meet da Barbiano’s onslaught. Muzio tried to drive a lance into Nanne Gozzadini, but missed and skewered the man beside him.[29] Just then, he was broadsided by Facino Cane, who was hunting him across the field, and thrown from his saddle, knocked unconscious. Despite losing yet another great captain to the chaos of battle, the tide started to shift as della Serra, Bentivoglio and the scions of Cararra entered the field. Crivelli and Tartaglia were granted freedom to maneuver and directed their efforts on Terzi’s company threatening the flank. Bands of infantry and crossbowmen swarmed in, peppering the enemy horses with crossbow bolts, and presenting a threatening hedge of polearms, crude pikes and bill hooks. Prencivalle della Mirandola, one of Terzi’s more renown captains, had his horse shot out from under him and scrambled to get back to his lines. Seeing this Crivelli and Tartaglia rushed to prevent him from returning to the safety of his squires.1 Their brazen attempt to capture the valued captain failed as Terzi’s men veered to cut them off, and Mirandola scrambled free.
At the heart of the battle Bernardone dell Serra shattered his mighty lance on Lodovico Cantello and pulled his mace from his saddle. Swinging violently, left then right, he mauled a murderous swath through the heart of the Visconti front. The Cararra brothers, bound to his side, brandished their axes, having shattered their lances, and cut a terrible figure, as they reigned across the field.[30] Giovanni Bentivoglio too, in his brilliant white armor, sword-in-hand, made a striking account for himself as he followed his brave knights into the epicenter of the action, but just as their pulverizing prowess was becoming known among their enemies, and fear started to shake their confidence, the sound of sixth angel’s four-horned trumpet reminded them of what had been written in the book of life.
Jacopo del Verme at the head of six great captains, leading the sixth corps, with 6,000 men, started onto the field. The Rose company which had taken a brutal beating at the hands of Ottobono Terzi’s counterattack, decided enough was enough, the day was lost, and fled to Bologna, across the bridge over the canal. [31] Along the road they met a company of infantry under the Bentivoglio banner, near the Church of Maddalena, who were marching from the city to secure the bridge for any survivors, but the men of the Rose company told them to turn back—that all hope was lost, and they would only fall prisoner if they dared approach the field.[32] Della Serra and Francesco Terzo had both been unhorsed and taken captive by Facino Cane’s knights. Seeing that the Bolognese flank had collapsed, that their key captains had been captured, and their camp was now overrun by Terzi’s company, Francesco Gonzga called to Giacomo da Cararra who was still battling fiercely in the middle of the field and said, “Surrender, Cararra, you’ll be in good company.” The Paduan prince turned to Giovanni Bentivoglio, and told him to flee the field, then charged at Gonzaga, hoping for one last good pass.
Giovanni Bentivoglio rode back to Bologna at a frantic pace with a small retinue of men. Historical accounts differ as to the full duration of the battle, ranging between one to three hours, but, in what probably felt like a heartbeat for Giovanni he’d lost all that he worked to achieve, his entire army was destroyed—Florence’s entire army was destroyed, laid to waste on the plain of Casalecchio sul Reno, and now Bologna would fall into the hands of the tyrant Gian Galeazzo Visconti—likely the whole of Italy would succumb to his terrible ambitions. All that was left for Giovanni and his men was the hope that they could take some of the fangs out of the mighty serpent coiling to strike their helpless metropolis.
Upon entering Bologna, he had what men remained in his charge bar the gates and prepare the defenses for a siege. He directed the masons to set up a mill for grinding grain near Porta Saragozza and all of the other parishes in the city, then harried the carpenters to start building stairs leading to the ramparts and running boards across the walls, and dispatched all of the willing able-body men to carry bricks, stones, and heavy objects to base of the crenulations of the walls so they could hurl them down on the enemies who would soon stand below.[33]
The people of Bologna had a different idea, rather than weather a hopeless siege for a worthless tyrant, they decided to rally near Porta Ravignana under Nicolo di Ligo and Melchior Manzioli, outspoken opponents of Giovanni. The rogue captains armed the large group of citizens who had gathered under their banners and marched through the streets shouting, “VIVA il popolo, e muro Giovanni!”[34] When word of the riot reached the Signoria he donned his armor, gathered 50 men of the Rose Company, and rode out to meet them in the Piazza Maggiore. The people blocked Giovanni from entering the square, and refused to hear his pleas for peace, instead brandishing their weapons and threatening his men. Giovanni decided he had no choice but to cut his way through.[35] The fighting started at midnight of 26th and lasted until dawn the next morning. Giovanni killed many men, somewhere between eight to ten, as he struggled to bring the city to order.[36] Once he realized that the fight was lost, that there was no way to take back to Piazza from the throngs of rioters, he took the remainder of his armed band to Case de Ramoni where he’d heard of another gathering of malcontents stirring trouble. They attacked the rebellious Bolognese gathered there, but upon arriving, his outfit of loyal soldiers were inundated with crossbow bolts, and in the heat of the quarrel Giovanni had two horses killed beneath him, killing scores more of his beloved citizens in the course of the affair.[37]
While Bentivoglio was letting the blood of his beloved Bologna, forcing her sullen streets to drink the ichor of her beguiled offspring, the family members of Manzioli and Ligo completed the rebellious captains' carefully calculated coup-des-gras. They seized the gates of Porta Saragozza and Porta san Mamolo and let serpent in. Gealeazzo and Giovanni Negrosanti, Giocomo Isolani, Nanne, Bonifacio, and Gozzadino Gozzadini, Galeazzo and Guido Pepoli, Riccio Felicini, Antonio dalle Caselle, the Bazalieri and the Gallucci familys were the first to ride through the gates of their beleaguered city at the head of the 500 triumphant Bolognese exiles.[38] They were soon followed by Jacopo del Verme, Francesco Gonzaga, Galeazzo da Mantova, Carlo and Pandolfo Malatesta, Count Alberigo da Barbiano, Facino Cane, and the victorious Visconti army, who were allowed to breach the gates of the Porta Saragozza, by the butcher Lando d’Ambrogino—an old ally of Bentivoglio—and took up the call resounding through the streets, “VIVA il Popolo, e Muro Giovanni!”[39]
Giovanni Bentivoglio and Tomassino Crivelli heard the news and realized that all hope was lost. Consigned to their fates, they parted ways. Giovanni fled[40], while the men of the Rose company agreed that if they were going to die, they were going to take the devil Alberigo da Barbiano with them. The fated band that was first raised in the parishes of Bologna took positions along the streets and alleys and unleashed their forlorn assault on the spawn of their great rival.[41] No record of the fighting survives, but a sullen note that Alberico da Barbiano decimated the Company of the Rose, and what survivors there were, had been stripped of their arms, armor, and mounts.[42]
Giovanni found refuge in the Palazzo dei Notai, where he disguised himself, before sneaking out into the city, and find solace at the house of an old woman near the Sant’Archangelo bridge on the Aposa, who took pity on him, consoled him, and agreed to keep him concealed.[43] Alas, when the whole city was under the dominion of Visconti control, search parties invigorated by a handsome bounty started combing the streets looking for Giovanni, and his savior could bear their subterfuge no more. She revealed his whereabouts to one Dominoco di Proculo, who soon there after came to the villa with a group of armed men, surrounded the place, and told Giovanni that the gig was up.[44] He surrendered without a fight.
He was taken to the Palazzo del Commune, before a tribunal of Nanne Gozzadini, Alberico da Barbiano, Francesco Gonzaga and Bente Bentivoglio.[45] Made to kneel, shackled before the great captains, his family, and former friend, they accused him of becoming a tyrant, to which Giovanni asked to speak his peace. First, he addressed Francesco Gonzaga with a troubled frown, “Yet here you are impious tyrants, and cruel enemies of our country, disloyal to every praised law and good custom.”[46]
To which Gonzaga replied, “Tyrant, disloyal and in opposition to just law, and yet it is you who fortune has deemed unworthy. Fortune smiles and favors men who are good and just, and on the contrary turns her back on those who are sad and wicked.”[47]
Giovanni turned his gaze to Nanne Gozzadini, and said, “Nanne, in this misfortune of mine, a consequence of bad luck, I pray you remember our old friendship, and esteem your incredible goodness, and the clarity of your ancient noble blood, to forgive any offense received by me. Reminding you, o’Nanne, that we are both citizens of the same homeland, born of generous, pleasant and benign blood, which must move you to compassion for this calamitous fall of mine. May you remember my example, that the things of this world are unstable, and that we will not be tomorrow, what we are today.” At this Giovanni fell silent.[48]
Nanne wept. He was moved by the words of Giovanni, he knew how cruel the turn of fate's wheel could be, how perilous the fall was, and what it meant to receive grace from an adversary you once called friend. It’s worth visiting Ghirardacchi’s words, “Nanne could not contain his tears at the words spoken by Bentivoglio, he was deeply disturbed by the imperfections of human nature and remained in great pain unable to utter a word.” When Nanne found his voice, he used it to consol Giovanni with benign and loving words, assuring him that he would use him in his service. On Nanne’s orders, Giovanni was taken to a room in the Palazzo, and placed under guard to keep him isolated from the chaos in the streets.[49]
While the fate of Giovanni hung in the balance, so too did the course of Bolognese history. Alberigo da Barbiano approached Nanne Gozzadini, and asked him to assume the lordship of Bologna, but he refused, not wanting to become a tyrant like Giovanni, and insisted that the people needed to have their freedom restored. He wanted to see the civic structures of government reinstated, and the Magistrates returned to their former glory, so peace could prevail. Alberigo was moved by this response, he admired Nanne Gozzadini’s prudence, and let it be done.[50]
On the morning of the 28th, Giovanni would’ve awoken in his cell to the sound of bells ringing in the Piazza Maggiore, calling the citizens to come and vote. Unaware of Gozzadini and da Barbiano’s discussions, or what the Visconti captains were planning to do with the city now that they had dominion, this would’ve been a heart-warming surprise for the former signoria. He had fought valiantly to the end to preserve Bolognese liberty, to stave off the impending Visconti tyranny, and somehow, someway, he’d succeeded. He sat in the corner of his room, still bleeding from several wounds, and reflected. Perhaps he was the tyrant that everyone made him out to be, perhaps he was the catalyst for greater things. Inevitably he had succeeded, and through the course of all the turmoil, death and destruction Bologna would remain free.
The people of Bologna met in civic discourse, and started the election process for new Magistrates, but here, where cohesion and consensus would have assured a course of liberty for the city of towers, factionalism and division reigned once more. Nanne had pushed for more members of the Maltraversi—the party of the people—to be given seats of power in the Anziani, but his chief rival, Giacomo Isolani and the Scarchessi—the party of the nobility—resisted his appointments at every turn. Inevitably Nanne prevailed in having favorable appointments made, but his sway over the election of the Anziani and the new Gonfalonieri di Giustizia, along with a lack of true Maltraversi representatives to stave off any suspicions, left a bad taste in the mouths of his fellow magistrates.[51] They feared that Gozzadini wielded too much power, he may have turned down the title of lord of Bologna when it was offered to him symbolically, but what was to stop him if he changed his mind in the future—as he had in the past. Isolani was weak, and Gozzadini wasn’t just popular, he had powerful friends—balance needed to be restored. Thus, in a twisted turn of fate, several Magistrates; Francesco Galucci, Nicolò Ludovisi, Bente Bentivoglio, Melchiore Manzuoli, met in secret, and agreed on a plot to bring Gozzadini down, while also elevating their own status in the Bolognese civic authority, by handing the reins of the city back to Gian Galeazzo Visconti. That night they informed Alberigo da Barbiano and Francesco Gonzaga of their seditious coup, and less than twenty-four hours after the reinstatement of the Anziani, any hope of Bolognese liberty was smothered in its crib, suffocated by the greed of ambitious men.[52]
Alberigo da Barbiano sent a letter to the Visconti captains billeted in the Contado to stop them from looting, and told them to bring the duke’s army to the gates of Porta San Donato. That night the Visconti troops marched through the open portcullis, through the heart of Bologna, to the Piazza Maggiore, chanting, “Long live Duke Gian Galeazzo, Lord of Bologna!” Having occupied the square they took possession of the Palazzo del Commune and declared that Pandolfo Malatesta would serve as proxy to the duke, their new lord, with Marsilio Torelli of Mantua as his praetor. Riots ravaged the streets of Bologna. The people were outraged, terrified, they couldn’t comprehend what was happening, one minute they’d thrown off the shackles of a tyrant to restore their liberty, elected a new government, only to have another tyrant march through the gates unopposed less than a day later, to steal their freedom like a thief in the night. How could this be happening? [53] To try to quell any further suspicion, Malatesta made knights of Nanne Gozzadini, Vandino de Bianchi, Aldreghino Lambertini, Guido and Galeazzo Pepoli, Alberto Pio, and Giovanni Gerardini.[54] It did little to stay their frustrations.
As all this unfolded, the echos of chaos and confusion about the streets of Bologna bounded into the quite cell in the Palazzo dei Notai. Giovanni wept. He could hear the shouts of the Visconti troops from the Palazzo, the angry castigation of the confused citizens. The flame of hope for Bolognese liberty that warmed his heart had been snuffed out, and replaced by the cold realization that he was correct all along.
That Sunday, out of fear, out of mourning, the church doors throughout the city were shut, and no mass was held.[55] The devil had come to Bologna.
Two accounts exist as to what happened next, the first tells it like this[56]: As the city descended into the madness of righteous vengeance, violence, and vandalism that evening, Alberigo da Barbiano decided that he had one last score to settle. Under the cover of the riots, he gathered some men who he knew hated Giovanni Bentivoglio and went to the Palazzo where Giovanni was being held. Commanding the guards at the door to stand down, he grabbed the weak and wounded signoria still reeling from his wounds and dragged him into the tumultuous streets below, where throngs of angry mobs were demonstrating their frustration over the fate of their beloved city. Alberigo emerged from the Palazzo with the tyrant in hand and cast him to the ground, telling the rioters that this was the source of their pain and betrayal, this was the man who brought them to this place of subjugation, this was their enemy. The mobs descended on Giovanni and ripped him limb-from-limb. Feeling the fervor and passion of the crowds da Barbiano pressed into the throng, grabbed Giovanni by the hair–life still faint in his mutilated face–and cut off his ear.[57] Flesh for flesh. His score over the death of his brother settled at last.
The second account is that Giovanni simply died from his wounds alone in his room, or even from a broken heart knowing that all he’d fought for was lost.
In the aftermath of the violence and indignation, the priests in the city wandered from street to street, combing through the rubble and ash to pick up the pieces of what they believed to be Giovanni Bentivoglio's mutilated corpse, so they could put them in an urn for a secluded burial in the church of San Giacomo. That very day, Jacopo del Vereme rode into Bologna and was declared lord in the name of Gian Galeazzo Visconti. The Magistrates were deposed, the Anziani, was disbanded, and soldiers roamed the streets armed to the teeth, bearing the serpent standard of their masters. The Condottiere captain set up a mock tribunal filled with his loyal men, and Milanese diplomats to elect his government in Bologna. Their first act was to build a citadel in the city to billet their troops, a symbol of reppression the Bolognese hadn’t seen for thirty years. All that they’d fought for, all that they’d hoped for was lost.[58]
Nanne Gozzadini looked out of the window of his palazzo in sheer disbelief. This was all his fault. It was his ambition that had driven him stir division in the Bolognese government. First against the Zambeccari, then against Giovanni Bentivoglio—his friend. He had fomented such rage over Bentivoglio’s betrayal of the Visconti, when they’d forced him into a farcical alliance, a decision made from fear—justified fear, of this exact thing happening to the city they both so-loved, and here they were. It was his back channel dealing, sedition, and rage that brought Bologna under the heel of a real tyrant. He had deposed a man who loved their city for a cruel and brutal monster that only craved power, war, and death, like the demon Moloch. He looked down at the title granted to him for his outstanding service, giving him dominion over the city of Cento, a deed for his deeds. He reflected upon Giovanni’s last words to him, “May you remember my example, that the things of this world are unstable, and that we will not be tomorrow, what we are today.” and wept. Giovanni was right.
Works Cited
Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Of the History of Bologna. Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna. Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657
Vizzani, Pompeo. Historie di Bologna. Italy, Rossi, 1602. Pg. 267-277
Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 210
Gatari, Galeazzo, and Syme, David. The Fortunes of Francesco Novello Da Carrara, Lord of Padua, an Historical Tale of the Fourteenth Century, from the Chronicles of Gatari, with Notes. By D. Syme. United Kingdom, Constable, 1830.
Ady, Cecilia Mary. The Bentivoglio of Bologna: A Study in Despotism. United Kingdom, Oxford University Press, H. Milford, 1937.
Merchant Writers: Florentine Memoirs from the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Memoirs: Giovanni by Paolo Morelli. United Kingdom, University of Toronto Press, 2015.
A Companion to Medieval and Renaissance Bologna. Netherlands, Brill, 2017.
Banti, Ottavio. Banti, Ottavio. Giovanni Bentivoglio. Giovanni Bentivoglio. Biographical Dictionary of Italians - Volume 8 (1966). accessed 11/4/2023.Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 8 (1966). accessed 11/4/2023.
Tamba, Giorgio. Tamba, Giorgio. Nanne Gozzadini Nanne Gozzadini. Biographical Dictionary of Italians - Volume 58 (2002): accessed 11/10/2023.. Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 58 (2002): accessed 11/10/2023.
Gamberini, Andrea. GIAN GALEAZZO Visconti, Duke of Milan, Biographical Dictionary of Italians - Volume 54 (2000). Gamberini, Andrea. GIAN GALEAZZO Visconti, duca di Milano, Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 54 (2000). Accessed 11/5/2023. . Accessed 11/5/2023.
Biographical Dictionary of Italians - Volume 8 (1966), Bente Bentivoglio. Accessed 11/9/2023Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 8 (1966), Bente Bentivoglio. Accessed 11/9/2023
Pirri, Pietro. Pirri, Pietro. Alberico da Barbiano Alberico da Barbiano. Biographical Dictionary of Italians – Volume 1 (1960). . Dizinario Biografico degli Italiani – Volume 1 (1960). Accessed 11/9/2023.. Accessed 11/9/2023.
Damiani, Roberto. Damiani, Roberto. Alberico da Barbiano. Alberico da Barbiano. 27 November 2012. Accessed 11/15/2023.. 27 November 2012. Accessed 11/15/2023.
Damiani, Roberto. Bernardo della Serra/Bernardone di Serres. Accessed 11/26/2023.Damiani, Roberto. Bernardo della Serra/Bernardone di Serres. Accessed 11/26/2023.
Damiani, Roberto. Jacopo del Verme. Accessed 11/26/2023.Damiani, Roberto. Jacopo del Verme. Accessed 11/26/2023.
Damiani, Roberto. Muzio Attendolo Sforza. Accessed 11/26/2023.Damiani, Roberto. Muzio Attendolo Sforza. Accessed 11/26/2023.
Damiani, Roberto. Francesco Gonzaga., Roberto. Francesco Gonzaga.
[1] Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 209
Bernardon de Serres se trouve place dans la necessite d'obeir aux ordres de Bentivoglio. Il tente encore un dernier effort pour le ramener a son avis. Le Seigneur de Bologne lui repond que s'il a peur il n'a qu'a rester dans la ville, et qu'il se chargera lui-meme de diriger les operations. Devant unne telle reponse, le Gascon n'a plus qu'a gagner Casalecchio. "Dieu veuille, dit-il, que ce soit le meilleur parti."
[2] Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 208
A leur tete se partageant courtoisement l'autorite supreme, marchent Alberic de Barbiano et Jacopo del Verme, montes tous deux sur leurs grands coursiers bardes de fer, et portant a la main le baton dore du commandement. "Depuis Charlemagne, distent les Italiens, il n'y a pas eu plus belle armee".
[3] Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 209
quinze a seize mille cavaliers et vingt mille hommes de pied, fantassins et archers, commandes par les meilleurs capitaines de l'epoque.
[4] Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 209
Les craintes du capitane gascon ne tardent pas a se realiser. Tandis que les defenseurs de Bologne ont etabli leur camp autour de Casalecchio sur la rive droite du Reno, l'aremee milanaise se concentre sur la rive gauche. Un pont fait communiquer les deux rives; Bernardon de Serres en a confie la garde a la compagnie de la rose.
[5] Gatari, Galeazzo, and Syme, David. The Fortunes of Francesco Novello Da Carrara, Lord of Padua, an Historical Tale of the Fourteenth Century, from the Chronicles of Gatari, with Notes. By D. Syme. United Kingdom, Constable, 1830. Pg. 165.
Shortly thereafter the Grand Constable and Ottobon Terzo moved to Lavino, and from thence to Casalecchia to carry the bridge “del Reno” which was guarded by the “della Rosa” company.
[6] Gatari, Galeazzo, and Syme, David. The Fortunes of Francesco Novello Da Carrara, Lord of Padua, an Historical Tale of the Fourteenth Century, from the Chronicles of Gatari, with Notes. By D. Syme. United Kingdom, Constable, 1830. Pg. 165.
After a short but sever encounter, in which numbers were slain, that company basely abandoned the bridge and fled in panic to Bologna.
[7] Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 209
Le 17 juin, Alberic de Barbiano et Otto Buonterzo attaquent la compagnie de la Rose et la mettent en fuite apres un comat tres meurtrier. Le pont reste ainsi au pouvoir des generaux de Jean-Galeas, qui peuvent desormais menacer directement Bologne.
[8] Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 209
Les craintes du capitane gascon ne tardent pas a se realiser. Tandis que les defenseurs de Bologne ont etabli leur camp autour de Casalecchio sur la rive droite du Reno, l'aremee milanaise se concentre sur la rive gauche. Un pont fait communiquer les deux rives; Bernardon de Serres en a confie la garde a la compagnie de la rose. Le 17 juin, Alberic de Barbiano et Otto Buonterzo attaquent la compagnie de la Rose et la mettent en fuite apres un comat tres meurtrier. Le pont reste ainsi au pouvoir des generaux de Jean-Galeas, qui peuvent desormais menacer directement Bologne.
[9] Gatari, Galeazzo, and Syme, David. The Fortunes of Francesco Novello Da Carrara, Lord of Padua, an Historical Tale of the Fourteenth Century, from the Chronicles of Gatari, with Notes. By D. Syme. United Kingdom, Constable, 1830. Pg. 165.
Bernardone, captain of the forces of the league, saw clearly that his situation was hopeless, for the Ducal army was at the lowest computation more than double his own.
[10] Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 209
Une semaine plus tard, le samedi 24 juin, Facino Cane passe le pont du Reno et vient attaquer avec impetuosite le camp de Bernardon a Casalecchio. Sforza de Cotignola repousse cette agression.
[11] Gatari, Galeazzo, and Syme, David. The Fortunes of Francesco Novello Da Carrara, Lord of Padua, an Historical Tale of the Fourteenth Century, from the Chronicles of Gatari, with Notes. By D. Syme. United Kingdom, Constable, 1830. Pg. 165.
On Saturday the 24th of June, Facino Cane, with 600 men, crossed the bridge to survey the camp.
[12] Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 209
La journee du dimanche se passe tranquillement, le capitaine general des Florentins ayant pris soin de poster des vigis sur le haut de collines pour l'avertir de tous les mouvements de l'ennemi.
[13] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 531
Fece anco il medesimo il Capitano Bernardone, nel primo squadrone pose per capo il figliuolo del Signore di Padova giovane valoroso, e cupido di gloria con il Tartaglia, a quali consigno molte bande di Cavalli armati e gran numero di Balestriere, e di Pedoni. Il restante poi il ritenne per se, ponendo li Balestrieri, e di Pedoni. Il restante poi il ritenne per se, ponendo li Balestrieri in luogo appartato, per difesa de' comattenti, accioche con maggiore sicurezza havessreo a combattere, & anche perche non fossero da nemici affeditati.
[14] Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 209
L'approche du danger rend toute son ardeur a Bernardon de Serres. Oubilant l'immense desavantage de sa position, il ne songe plus qu'a comattre. Les sept mille cavaliers dont il dispose sont ainsi repar is: Sforza de Cotignola et Messer Fricolino en ont deux mille, Crivello mille, y compris la comagnie de la Rose, enfin Tartaglia et Lanciarotto Beccaria quinze cents. Bernardon de Carrare et deux mille cinq cents cavaliers.
[15] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 532
Di qua dal Ponte era l' Effercito di Bernardone, li Capitani adunque di amendue gli Effercita si posero in ordine, Il Conte Giacomo dal Verme assegno la prima squadra al Conte Alberigo, al Signore della Mirandola, di Sassoserrato, di Spoleti, e di Fabriano, con li quali era Nanne Gozzadini, e gli altri Fuorusciti di Bologna, & oltre a i Cavalli di grave armatura, anche assigno loro due mila Balestrieri, e gran numero di Pedoni. La seconda squada su assignata alli Malatesta, & al Signore di Carpi, che era di gran numero di cavalli, e di Pedoni. La terza il conte la ritenne per se, havendo in Compagnia Galeazzo Gonzaga, il Conte d'Urbino, e Paolo Savelli. Alla guardia delle bagaglie lascio di molti Cavalli, perche, se fosseil bisogno, potessero socorrere sotto la cura di Facino Cane, del Signore di Polenta, e di Ottobono Terzi, e di Bartolomeo da Cremona, tutti Capitani famosi.
[16] Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 209
Leur armee forme six corps. Les quatre premiers, de plus de deuz mille cavaliers chacun, sont sous les ordres de Facino Cane, du Seigneur de Mantove, de Pandolfo Malatesta et d' Otto Buonoterzo. Alberic de Barbiano commande le cinquieme ou se trouvent trois mille de ses cavaliers. Enfinle sixieme ou se trouvent trois mille de ses cavaliers. Enfin le sixieme corps de quatre mille chevaux, est conduit par Jacopo del Verme.
[17] Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 209
Les dispositions etant prises, de toute part les trompettes donnent le signal du combat.
[18] Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 210
Fancino Cane s'elance avec les siens; il se precipite la lance en arreet sur Messer Fricolino et le frappe si rudement a la poitrine qu'il lui fait vider les arcons et renverse encore du meme coup deux ou trois autres cavaliers places derriere.
[19] Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 210
Du cote des Bolonais, Sforza de cotignola fait le plus grand mal aux partisans de Jean-Galeas.
[20] Damiani, Roberto. Tommasino Crivelli. 12/13/2023.
Prende parte alla battaglia di Casalecchio di Reno inserito nella seconda schiera (forte di 2500 cavalli) con Ludovico da Zagonara: si batte con le truppe dello Sforza.
[21] Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 210
Il est attaque par le seigneur de Mantove et voit en peu de temps ses troupes presque mises en deroute; mais la compagnie de la Rose vient a son secours et le degage.
[22] Damiani, Roberto. Tommasino Crivelli 12/13/2023.
Nel combattimento si muove in soccorso di Muzio Attendolo Sforza distinguendosi per il suo valore: si getta sugli avversari con l’ascia in mano e, sebbene ferito ad una spalla, si apre la strada in mezzo ad essi.
[23] This is speculative, but from the sources I have, this is my best estimate of what happened. Tartaglia and Beccaria were in the third line together, and Tartaglia ended up trying to save Sforza’s company, this much is known. However, after the battle Muzio Attendolo Sforza blames Tartaglia for the defeat, and my suspicion is Sforza felt like he and Crivelli had found their footing against Gonzaga and the remainder of Facino Cane’s vanguard, and he felt like Tartaglia’s attempt to ‘save’ him, cost them Beccaria’s company, and a chance at winning the battle. This swas the beginning of a long and bitter rivalry between the two captains.
[24] Damiani, Roberto. Lancillotto Beccaria. 12/13/2023.
Con Martino Polsort ed il Tartaglia ha il comando della terza schiera forte di 1500 cavalli. Si getta contro gli avversari cercando di colpire in particolare le loro cavalcature.
[25] Damiani, Roberto. Lancillotto Beccaria. 12/13/2023.
Si scontra con le milizie di Ottobono Terzi dalle quali viene scavalcato da cavallo.
[26] Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 210
Bernardon de Serres deploie de son cote la plus grande vaillance; il court partout pour animer les siens, feclicitant les braves et gourmandant ceux qui font mine de plier.
[27] Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 210
Tomisino Crivello et Otto Buonterzo se distinguent egalement par leur courage. Ces deux adversaires s'abordent avec tant d'impetuoste que tous le deux roulent par tere. Ils sont d'ailleurs immediatement secourus et remis en selle.
[28] Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 210
Dans les mains du Grand Bernard on voit cette terrible lance qu'un contemporain emerveille declarait "etre grosse comme la cuisse d'un homme"
[29] Damiani, Roberto. Muzio Attendolo Sforza. Accessed 11/26/2023.
Spinge la sua cavalcatura contro un drappello di fuoriusciti bolognesi, scaglia una lunga lancia ed uccide un uomo di Giovanni Gozzadini.
[30] Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 210
Bernardon voit que la bataille est perdue. Dedaignant de fuir il veut au moins sauver l'honneur. Suivi de Francesco Terzo et de Giacomo de Carrare, il se jette au plos fort de la melee, en frappant d'un furieux coup de lance Lodovico Cantello, un des ches ennemis.
[31] Durrieu, Paul. Les Gascons en Italie: études historiques. France, G. Foix, 1885. Pg. 210
Mais alors la compagnie de la Rose lache pied de nouveau et s'enfuit vers Bologne. La defaite se change en desastre.
[32] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 532
Ma le treccento lancie, che erano al Ponte, vedendo la ruina de suoi, fuggirono verso la Citta, e scontrando alla Chiesa della Maddalena alcuni fanti, che la soccorso loro venivano, li fecero voltar le spalle accioche non restassero prigioni de nemici, che li perseguitavano a sciolta briglia.
[33] Vizzani, Pompeo. Historie di Bologna. Italy, Rossi, 1602. Pg. 274
Onde Giovanni benche per quella perdita havesse insieme perdut a la speranza di mantenersi, comincio quanto poteva a provedere alle cose cessarie, per diffendersi, fortifcando le mura della Citta, e le torri co fassi, e altre cose
oportune per offendere i nimici, e disponendo le guardie, e ordinando, che si facessero alcuni Pistrini per macimare il grano, poiche i nimici havevano tolto l'acqua alle molina.
[34] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 532
Poi mise li presidii di ogn' intorno la Citta, & ordino per ciascuna Parochia si facesse un Molino per macinare il
grano, poi che gl'inimici havevano tolto l'acqua alli Molini, & avenga ch'egli facesse queste, & altre provisioni buone, non pote pero vietare, che il Popolo, che vedeva indebolite le forze di Giovanni, e che gl'inimici crano alle mura con li Fuorusciti di Bologna, non si ragunasse infieme contra lui in Porta Ravignana, havendo fatto loro Capitani, Nicolo di Ligo e Melchior Mangioli, nemici Capitali di Giovanni, e quiui si gridasse, Muoia Giovanni Bentivoglio, e VIVA il Popolo!
[35] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 533
A queste voci Giovanni subito s'armo, e con alcuni pochi soldati, e suoi amici, montato a vacallo passo, dove il ruomore era, per quietare il Popolo, il quale opponendovisi non lo lascio entrare in Piazza, di modo, che la zuffa circa le vintiquattro hore comincio ad attaccarsi, giungendo in tano cinquanta Cavalli in aiuto di Giovanni, ma ogni storzo fu vano
[36] Vizzani, Pompeo. Historie di Bologna. Italy, Rossi, 1602. Pg. 274
Havendo inteso Giovanni quel rumore, e udito quelle grida, subito si armo con alcuni pochi soldati, e amici suoi, e montato a cavallo, corse dove era il tumulto, ma contraponendovisi il popolo di meza notte, si comincio di comatterre allo scuro, durando la mischia tutta quella notte, con uccisioine di molti
[37] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 533
Il perche vedendo non poter conquistare la Piazza passo tutto sdegnoso alle Case de' Ramponi, dove erano ragunati gran numero de suoi nemici, per abbrucciarle, ma furono a furia di saette valorosamente difese. In questo notturno comattimento Giovanni uccise molti del Popolo, & a lui morirono sotto due Cavalli, che meglio assai era per lui, che ui havesse compattendo lasciata la vita; percioche non havrebbe veduto con gli occhi propri il suo miserabil fine, si come fece.
[38] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 533
Ora mentre, che vie piu il tumulto cresceva, e che il giorno appariva, gli amici, e parenti de fuorusciti, paffarono alla Porta di Saragozza, e di San Mama, e spalancate, gl'introdussero dentro la Citta, e furono questi, Galeazzo, e Giovanni Negrofanti, Giacomo Isolani, li Gozzadini, Guido Peppoli, Riccio Felicini, Anonio dalle Caselle, li Gallucci, & altri assai.
[39] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 533
Dietro a questi entrarono le genti del Duca di Milano cioe, Giacomo dal Verme, il Signore di Mantovoa, Pandolfo, e Malatesta Malatesti, il conte Alberigo, e Facino Cane, con li loro seguaci, che ne mandavano le voci al Cielo, dicendoVIVA il Popolo, e muoia Giovanni Bentivoglio
[40] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 533
Vedendo Giovanni, che i nemici erano entrari nella Citta, & havevano in loro ptere la Piazza, abbandonato da tutti, & in forse della vita, per alcune secrete vie passo al Palazzo dell Notai
[41] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 533
& in questo mezo li Soldati della Rosa, fuorono dal Conte Alberigo saccheggiati all'Albergo della Luna.
[42] Damiani, Roberto. Alberico da Barbiano. 12/14/2023.
La città è messa a sacco, i soldati della Compagnia della Rosa sono svaligiati nei loro alloggiamenti posti all’albergo della Luna presso Porta Santo Stefano.
[43] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 534
Vedendo Giovanni, che i nemici erano entrari nella Citta, & havevano in loro ptere la Piazza, abbandonato da tutti, & in forse della vita, per alcune secrete vie passo al Palazzo dell Notai, e revestitosi, fuggi al Ponicello di Santo Arcangelo, dove ritrovando un'ufico aperto vi entro, raccomandando la vita sua ad una Vecchiarella, che quiui habitiava, la quale teneramente, e piena di pieta lo raccolse, confortandolo assai in tanta sua miseria.
[44] Vizzani, Pompeo. Historie di Bologna. Italy, Rossi, 1602. Pg. 276
E inditravestito, se ne suggi da Santo Arcangelo in casa d'una povera dona, dalla quale, raccomandan dosi egli, su nascosto per saluarlo, accioche non sosse ucciso, ma facendosi gran diligenza per trovarlo, su pulicato un bando, e proposto il premio a chi lo rivelasse; onde su scoperto da un certo Domenico di Proculo
[45] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 534
condotto in Palazzo al cospetto del Signore di Mantova, del Conte Alberigo, di Bente di Bente di Andrea Bentivoglio, e di Nanne Gozzadini. A cui volgendosi il Signore Mantovano, con turbato ciglio disse.
[46] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 534
Pur sei qua empio Tiranno, e nemici crudele dalla tua Patria, disleale ad ogni lodata legge, e buoni costumi
[47] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 534
Come interpido pispose il Bentivoglio; Tiranno, disleale, e contrario alle buone leggi e colui, a chi e contraria la fortunna; percioche ella mentre arride, e favorisce l'huomo, egli e buono, e giusto. Ma per lo contrario, s' ella gli volge le spalle, e tristo, & iniquo, come hor a dici tu contra di me.
[48] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 535
Detto questo si rivolse a Nanne, e disse; Nanne, in questa mia infelicita, dove mi ha precipitato la mia cattina forte, prego ti rammenti della nostra antica bnevolenza, & istima come dei fare la tua imata bonta, e la chiarezza dell antico, e nobile sangue tuo, e mi vogli condonare le ossese da mo ricenute. Ricordandoti, o Nanne, che pure amendue siamo Cittadini di una medesima Patria, nati di generoso sangue, piacevole, e benigno, il che ti deve muovere a compassione di questa mia caduta calamitosa; e mi sia lecito riddurti a memoria con l' essempio di me stesso, che le cose di questo Mondo sono instabili, e che quelli, che boggi siamo, domani non saremo, e qui Giovanni tacque.
[49] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 535
Non si pote Nanne contenere dalle lagrime per le parole dete dal Bentivoglio, e turbato in se medisimo considerando alle impersettioni der la natura humana, stette gran prezza senza poter formare parola. In somma vinto da natural pieta, con benigne, & amorevoli parole consolo Giovanni, assicurandolo, che di lui sarebbe raccordevole, & in suo seruigio s'adoprarebbe. Fu adunque condotto Giovanni in una camera per saluarlo da gl'insulti de suoi nemici, e sin tanto, che il tumulto popolare cessasse.
[50] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 535
In questo mentre il Conte Alberigo persuadeva Nanne, che pigliasse il dominio Bologna, e gli si offeriva di farlo rivscire con buono, e felice fine. Ma Nanne che haveva dinanzi a gli occhi lo specchio di Giovanni, e che per prova conosceva la varieta de gli huomini, consstantmente risiuto l'inuita del Conte, con dire, che questo solo gli bastava di vedere la Patcia ritornata in liberta.
[51] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 535
E che quanto a lui grandamente, desiderava, che il Magistrati della Citta ritornastero in quello stato primiero, quando la Citta stava in liberta. Piaque al Conte il ragionare di Nanne, e molto laudo la sua volonta, e prudenza; E perche le cose della Citta fossero ben governate, si fece congregare il Popolo, & il Senato, a quale elettione nacquero diversi pareri; percioche la parte che seguitava Nanne, piegava alli Popolari amici suoi, & altri erano di contrario parere, e favorivano li Nobili, si come Giacomo Isolani, Niccolo Lodovisi, Melchio Mangioli, Bente Bentivoglio, & altri assai de Maltraversi, & avvenga che questi potentemente si opponessero nondimeno la parte del Gozzadino prevalse, e cosi si elessero ali Antiani, & il Gonfaloniere di Giustitia a sua volonta, e furono questi.
[52] Vizzani, Pompeo. Historie di Bologna. Italy, Rossi, 1602. Pg. 276-277
Hebbe egli alcuni contrasti quando si stana per eleggere questi Magistrati, perche egli che sempre era stato amico de plebei, voleva, che si eleggessero de suoi amici; ma Giacomo Isolani se gli opponeva col favore di molti gentil'huomini, fra quali erano Nicolo Lodovisi, Melchiore Manzuoli, Bente Bentivoglio, e altri assai della parte Maltraversa; ma con tutto cio prevalse la parte di Nanni, e furono eletti gli Antiani, e il Consaloniere secondo il suo volere; furono fra questi Mechiore Manzuoli, Nanni Gozzadini, matteo Gristoni, Alberto Bianchi, e altri, de'quali ne furono alcuni, ma pochi, della parte Maltraversa. Pave, che per tale elettione restasse molto affrontata, e in poca consideratione la parte di Giacomo Isolani; onde egli desideroso di abbassare la parte di Nanni, e inalzare se stesso, hebbe sopra di cio ragionamento con Francesco Galuzzi, Nicolo Ludovisi, Bente Bentivoglio, Melchione Manzuoli, che tutti d'accordo conchivsero di dar Bologna in potere (277) di Giovangaleazzo Duca di Milano
[53] Vizzani, Pompeo. Historie di Bologna. Italy, Rossi, 1602. Pg. 277
e per tale essetto nel medesimo giorno, nel quale erano stati creati gli Antiani, trattarono secretamente col Conte Alberico, e col Signore di Mantova, che la notte seguente facessero appressare l'essercito del duca alla porta di strada San Donato, che essi gli dariano l'entrata aperta: il che fatto, e entrati tutti i Capitani coll essercito andarono alla piazza, gridando Viva il Duca Giovangaleazzo Signor di Bologna, e entrati nel Palazzo, ne solsero il possesso, mettendovi Pandolfo Malatesta per Luogotenete del Duca; e a questo modo in meno di due giorni tre volte Bologna muto stato, e governo; perche libertata dalla tirannia del Bentovoglio, su messa in liberta, e finalmente opressa dalle genti del Duca.
[54] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 536
Il perche volendo il Malatesta mitigare iltimore del Popolo su la Porta del Palazzo, creo Cavalieri, Nanne Gozzadini, Vandino de Bianchi, Aldreghino Lambertini, Guido Pepoli, Albero Pio, Giovanni Gerardini, e Galeazzo Peppoli. E cosi in manco di due giorni Bologna tre volte cangio stato, e governo.
[55] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 536
E deposto gli antiani, e gli altri Magistrati, riempirono la Citta di tumulto, e di apavento tale, che quella mattina non si celebro Messa, ne si dissero li Diuini Officii, eccetto nella Chiesa Catedrale.
[56] Ghirardacci, Cherubino. Della Historia Di Bologna, Volume 2. Italy, Giovanni Rossi, 1657. Pg. 537
Non era per anco, sodissatto il Conte Alberigo della vendetta contra Giovanni, per la morte del fratello ucciso da Giovanni, se bene il vedeva priuo della Signora di Bologna, se anco non lo vedeva privo di vita; E pero raccordandosi, ch'egli era per anco distenuto in Palazzo in una Camara appartata, sotto la fede, e benignita del Gozzadino, il Conte d'indi lo trasse, e lo condusse in Piazza, dove a guisa di mansveto Agnello, senza formar parola, su crudelmente da Soldati, e da' suoi nemici ucciso, e tagliato a pezzi minutissmi, e posto il Corpo lacerato dentro un Mastello, e portato alla Chiesa di San Giacomo de egli Eremitani senza pompa funerale fu sepolto. Della morte di Giovanni variatamente scrivono gli Scrittori, percioche dicono, che fatto prigione in casa di quella Vecchiarella, e condotto non troppo degnamente a Palazzo, posto nella Camara chiamata il Forno, quiui la mattina fosse tovato morto. Altri scrivono, che Leonardo da San Piero, e Chirstoforo dall Fava, a quali fu dato in custodia, essendo suoi nemici, l'uccidessero. Altri poi, che combattendo egli alla Piazza il giorno avanti, essendo in piu parti della persona ferito, per l' abbondanza del sangue, che verso e per la maninconia, ch' egli si prese di questa sua calamita, tosto morisse. Ma io tengo, che la prima openione fia la piu vera, e piu verissimile, come piu avanti si dira.
[57] Damiani, Roberto. Alberico da Barbiano. 12/14/2023.
The body of the former lord is torn to pieces, da Barbiano cuts off his ear.
[58] Vizzani, Pompeo. Historie di Bologna. Italy, Rossi, 1602. Pg. 277
Restarono di lui due figli, Antonio e Hercole, de'qua li piu inanzi si ragionera. Ucciso Giovanni Bentioglio; entrato in Bologna Giacomo dal Verme generaledell essercito del Duca di Milano, ottenuto la signoria da esso Duca; deposti li Signori Antiani, e gli altri Magistrati; e satto Governatore Pandolfo Malatesta, comincio egli ad ordinare le cose della Citta; e Giacomo del Verme di ordine del Duca fece congregare il Consiglio generale, facendo mettere il partico, perche il domino fosse al Duca dal popolo consiramato; il che fatto, su esso Giacomo diciaroto Governatore di Bologna, e le conventioni col Duca il quale mostrando gran coresia a gli ambasciatori, concedette loro tutto quello, che dimandarono; e essi concedettero a lui, che potesse fabricare (278) una cittadella in Bologna, la qual cosa dispiacque grandemente in generale a Bolognesi, conoscendo, che quello era un freno, che si metteva loro in bocca